Victim - персоны — стр. 6

Noe, R. Anthony Noe, R. Anthony Assassin, Interrupted
Nistal, Brent Nistal, Brent My Name Is Harold
Newman, Christopher Bruce Newman, Christopher Bruce The Voice in the Wall
Newell, Patrick Newell, Patrick Запрос Интерпола (сериал), Доктор Кто (сериал), Приключения Шерлока Холмса (сериал)
Mutakabbir, Kinyumba Mutakabbir, Kinyumba Ловушка (сериал), Энджи Трайбека (сериал), Aaaaagh! A Monster!
Muller, Milton Muller, Milton Electric Fence
Moss, S. Moss, S. Subway Riders
Morse, Danny Morse, Danny The Hitch
Mueller, Juergen Mueller, Juergen Necronos, Бела Кисс: Пролог, Легенда ада
Moore, Earl Moore, Earl Вокруг Света за 80 дней
Moore, E.V. Moore, E.V. Davy Crockett Battles Kung Fu Vampires
Mondia, Andrew Mondia, Andrew Alien Agenda: Project Grey, The Clicking, The Horror Seasons
Moendir, Anthony Moendir, Anthony Ome Willum vs. de Zombie Geitenbreier uit de ruimte - de musical, The Texel Fretsaw Massacre
Mingart, Raphael Mingart, Raphael Осторожно, бандиты!
Mingard, Nathalie Mingard, Nathalie These Four Walls
Milstein, Jeffrey Milstein, Jeffrey Black Mask, Catchfish, Feed the Homeless
Mihalopoulos, Giannis Mihalopoulos, Giannis O erastis tou... antra mou, O katergaris, O parthenokynigos
Michail, Maron Michail, Maron Nashid-El-Amel
Michail, Alexandros Michail, Alexandros Ostrako
Melvin, Lim Melvin, Lim Twelve Noon
Mejkal, Rudolf Mejkal, Rudolf Tuve un sueño, Zivot sel kolem, Sílený lékar
Meek, Tanwyn Smith Meek, Tanwyn Smith Я всё ещё здесь, The Darksiders, The Lost School
Mcvey, Steve Mcvey, Steve Now You Dont Know What to Think
McLenachan, John E. McLenachan, John E. Rise of the Black Bat, Rockland, Shattered Lives
McKay, Marley McKay, Marley Карточный домик (сериал)