The Bare Hick Project (2000)

The Bare Hick Project
The Bare Hick Project

Рейтинг IMDB: 5.8 (13 голосов)

Оригинальный слоган In November 1999, three junior high students saw The Blair Witch Project and decided to make a documentary on their own town legend, the Bare Hick. They went into the woods of Southern Alabama and were never seen again... Okay so they were seen again. But nevertheless, they brought back some interesting footage. If you loved The Blair Witch Project then youll hate this
Жанр Комедия, Короткометражка
Хронометраж 11 мин.
Режиссер Copeland, Josh
Премьера 9 июня 2000 г.
Страна США
Сценарий Copeland, Jordan
Оператор Copeland, Josh

Рейтинг IMDB: 5.8 (13 голосов)