Diamond, Joel. Фильмы

Diamond, Joel
Всего фильмов 29
Карьера Композитор

(США, 1998)


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Bird in the Sky

(США, 2006)

Bird in the Sky

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Bricks, Beds and Sheeps Heads

(Марокко, 2009)

Bricks, Beds and Sheeps Heads

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Brilliant Moon: Glimpses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

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Bringing Tibet Home

(Китай, Великобритания, Индия, 2013)

Bringing Tibet Home

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Creating Karma

(США, 2006)

Creating Karma

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Delivering the Goods

(США, 2012)

Delivering the Goods

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Der Kish

(США, 2004)

Der Kish

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Dissident: Oswaldo Paya and the Varela Project

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Eso Si Que Es

(США, 2007)

Eso Si Que Es

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Fever Pitch

(США, 2001)

Fever Pitch

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Girls in Bathing Suits

(США, 2004)

Girls in Bathing Suits

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Heart of the Garden

(США, 1985)

Heart of the Garden

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Hot Cross Buns

(США, 2008)

Hot Cross Buns

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Joshua Tree

(США, 2014)

Joshua Tree

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Lilly in the Woods

(США, 2006)

Lilly in the Woods

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Litigating Disaster

(Франция, США, 2004)

Litigating Disaster

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Love Thing

(США, 2012)

Love Thing

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Romeo and Juliet in Yiddish

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(Франция, Израиль, США, 2004)


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Stalins Wife

(США, 2004)

Stalins Wife

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The Dogwalker

(США, 2002)

The Dogwalker

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The Face of the Earth

(США, 2005)

The Face of the Earth

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