• e03
  • 20 июля 2005 г.

«Пожар внизу»
«Fire Down Below»
Edmund acts as a witness to the wedding between the injured Prettiman and Miss Granham, with flowers grown by the captain in his window boxes. Despite initial animosity towards him Edmund starts to…

  • e02
  • 13 июля 2005 г.

«Тесное соседство»
«Close Quarters»
The ship is becalmed and another vessel is sighted, which turns out to be British - the Alcyone, whose commander announces that the war with France is over. The two vessels anchor alongside and a…

  • e01
  • 6 июля 2005 г.

«Ритуалы плавания»
«Rites of Passage»
1800:- Young Edmund Talbot is sailing to Australia to take up a government post, on a decrepit old ship skippered by Captain Anderson, who is hostile to Edmund until he realizes that he has important…